Game Access Meetup Brno 2022
Game Access Meetup is coming to town! Get ready for a night of inspiring lectures, great beer and hundreds of friends old and new.
Check out the Speakers:1.
Petr Mores, Dandio (General Artist) / Madfinger Games (Freelance Senior Animator):
Lecture: “My 21 Years of Avoiding Burnout in Games Industry”Petr will recount his personal story of how he managed to keep working in the games industry for 21 years straight – the unexpected high and low points, the tough decisions and the lessons he wishes he knew back then. In the process, he’ll share some stories from the trenches of the projects he has worked on over the years (Vietcong and Crysis series, Inner Garden, mobile gaming industry).
The highlights of Peter’s 21 year career include the Vietcong series (animation and soundtrack), Crysis a Crysis 2 (Principal Animator), an Android app developed with his brother that received worldwide attention (Inner Garden) as well as work on several mobile games (Snipers vs. Thieves, The Muscle Hustle, Isolani).
Adam Sporka, Acaremi (Founder)
Lecture: “Music Design in Open-world RPGs”No matter how well a music is composed and produced, if it does not reflect the world, story, gameplay, and technology of the game, it will realize only a fraction of its potential. The more the music knows about the game, the better it can be. I will discuss an approach to music design in large open-world games that addresses both dramaturgy as well as the low-level technical constraints, imposed by the game engines and audio middleware.
Lectures will be held in the English language.
*The capacity at the venue is limited. Please register only if you are serious about coming. Thank you!