Ingame Studios

Ingame Studios

/ Game Development
Ingame Studios
2020 November / založeno

O nás

We are a group of people with love and passion for making games. Our team has worked on many important Czech games in the last 20 years, and now we have come together to create the best atmospheric and cooperative first-person shooter games for PC and consoles using the Unreal Engine.

Our crew in Brno (Czech Republic) currently consists of 40 internal core team members plus additional 40 external developers from all across the globe. Studio is managed by industry veteran Jarek Kolář.

Brno  /  Czech Republic
2020   |   Velikost týmu: 60-79
Tento profil je dočasně pod správou GameDev Area. Nezaručujeme přesnost informací.


Otevřené pozice···

Senior Level Designer
Ingame Studios  |  Brno, Czech Republic
QA Tester
Ingame Studios  |  Brno, Czech Republic
QA & Loc